
A. Kat Composure

  1. DOnt annuy kitteh
  2. Non spam plzz
  3. being a stalkin ktiteh iz bad n prohibited bu the RvA. iv u endoers it or taek part in it rVa WILLLLL taek acshun
  4. Respecc importnt kittheh :3
  5. Thonk. it not diffikult!

B. Maek ur usernaem

  1. 2 play Re-Volt u must chose a usernaem, an 2 be indxd into da iffishul RVA rankingz catz must choos a naem which abdiz 2 da followin:
    • ur nicknaem muzrt haev frawm 1 to 16 chars!
    • ur nicknaem can has any chars frawm A2Z (big or smol), numbrz, underscors and blanks
    • ur nicknaem muzt be uniqueEE!! if ur not suer, u may ask da important kittehs team 2 find out if the useaernaem u want is lrdy taekn by another kitteh.

C. Raecs n scorin

  1. u mya uz kars fraem da class ov rn and below. (rookei, amatueur, avdancd etc)
  2. Using sluw kar better for kat:
    • Sluw 25%
    • Vewy sluw 50%
    • Slowerer kar :o 75%
    • Harkur kat 100%
    • Hardkore kat :o 125%
  3. Do non use fasterer karz. racecat wont get traits if race so
  4. Dont be bad racekat againSt fasterer racekats >:(
  5. NON ask RE unlez late kitten or krashd kat.
  6. racecat may not get trait if chang name in kittenrace
  7. u mya typ REEEEEEEEEEE durin da firzt 40 sekondz ov a raec deu 2 an extrnal nom-gaem relatd factr.
    • Only 1 RE per track will be granted. If somebody asked for RE before you did, then the host will not restart again.
  8. carz multiplir will nevur exced 4.0.

D. Discord Servur

  1. u must folow n abaid 2 da discord rulez. Faild to do dat wil get u a bath (also get kickd frum RVA!!)
  2. stya on-topicz in channulz.
  3. do NOT harass other kittehs
  4. Stuff dat may crash Discord kilent from othur kittehz or very evul stuff will be deltd, and u may get some truhbelz for postin' it.


  1. Fail 2 follow any ov teh Raecs & Skorin rulz may get u gostd (2) in our lobbies, or kickd if u dont care abt the rulz.
  2. kitteh may get kiked if dont respect cat rulz. If u brek the rulz intense-ly, kat get bath.
  3. Dun't dodge bath!
  4. adminkat will decide ur fate

(1) RE (-.-): ask katrace to restart

(!2) Speced: when host cat puts racekat in spec